Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 3, 2013

Letter at 2 A.M.

This post will be a short one. In fact, I want to say some words of apology to someone:

I'm sorry that I made you worried. I never meant to. It's just that not seeing you for too long makes me feel insecure, even though I should have never doubted our friendship. I seriously had mixed feelings that night, and when I was fed with the idea that even the ONE and ONLY person that I thought I truly know well at this place is holding back from me, that was the most terrible and inexpressible emotion. In any case, thank you for the package, and thank you for clarifying. I surely will need some snacks while doing my 6 psets.

In case someone wonders why I wrote this publicly, let me explain. I had the option of running to your room and apologizing, but that would involve waking you up at 2am. I also had the option of sending you a facebook message, but that's lame. I wrote this here because this blog is my collection of reminders, and I don't want to repeat this mistake ever, so I figured if I wrote the apology down here, I would never forget.
